Best Book Editors

BBE Blog 11th April 2021 Meet The Back Room Team

11th April 2021 The header photograph, showing our gorgeous Cumbrian scenery, comes courtesy of Sharon Brook and Jess Vincent. They are lucky enough to work at the beautiful Langdale Chase Hotel on the shore of Lake Windermere. This was the view from their office window one day last week.  Because I want to show off… Continue reading BBE Blog 11th April 2021 Meet The Back Room Team

Review of The Garden of Eden in Galillee by Ari Zucker

The Garden of Eden in Galilee by Ari Zucker An Excellent, intelligent, informative exploration –Essential Myth-Busting I learned a lot from this book. It is a religious non-fiction book exploring some of the mysteries surrounding the Torah. It explores the eternal questions that have evaded religious theologists and archaeologist for centuries. Where is the Garden… Continue reading Review of The Garden of Eden in Galillee by Ari Zucker

Article: How To Write Fiction

How to Write Fiction Decide What you Want to Write. Article Blog Short story Poetry Song Anthology Novella Novel Screenplay Is it essential to know what you’re writing upfront? No. Not really. Surely it’s difficult to write if you don’t know what you’re writing, let alone what you’re writing about. ‘Ah,’ says she, ‘but that’s… Continue reading Article: How To Write Fiction

Review of Cow’s Can’t Jump by Philip Browne

Winner of the Spotlight First Novel Prize. The first thing to mention is that this a debut novel. When I’m reading for pleasure, I tend to avoid them, the writing is sometimes sloppy, and it takes a few books for authors to learn the craft and get a feel for their style and voice. That… Continue reading Review of Cow’s Can’t Jump by Philip Browne

Review of Starbirth Assignment Shifter by J.M.Johnson

This is a book that BBE had in to edit. It didn’t appeal to me at all. However, I couldn’t have been more wrong  This book is amazing. Two genres I don’t normally read are sci-fi and special ops. This takes the two and binds them together in a plait of intrigue, underground government departments,… Continue reading Review of Starbirth Assignment Shifter by J.M.Johnson

Blog 30th March 2021 Introduction to Best Book Editors; The Time The World Went Mad

Best Book Editors Blog Section 30th April 2021 So, hello.  I’m told that every good website needs a fun and lively blog to keep traffic flowing to the site. Okay, I can do that.  And, I figured it was about time I gave Best Book Editors a proper introduction and welcomed our team on board. How… Continue reading Blog 30th March 2021 Introduction to Best Book Editors; The Time The World Went Mad

Article How to Get Published

How to Get Published The first thing to know about getting published is that it’s an extremely competitive market. Thirty years ago there was a process. You wrote your book—edited—edited—edited—submitted to an agent—agent then submitted to a mainstream publisher— and, if you were one of the lucky 100,000, your book was deemed worthy and you… Continue reading Article How to Get Published

Review of Stone Heart by Peter J Merrigan

I loved this book. If I had to describe this novel in one word it would be intelligent. Set in Celtic Ireland in the Late Iron Age, the language is rich and expressive and Peter J Merrigan takes you into his world until you feel you belong there. You are drawn into a time where… Continue reading Review of Stone Heart by Peter J Merrigan

Review of Stone Forged by Peter J Merrigan

This is the second book in the Ailigh Wars Saga series and Peter J Merrigan doesn’t disappoint. We pick up on the characters we’ve come to care about two years after the first book, Stone Heart, finishes. The rule of serial writing is that every book should be as good as the last. This one… Continue reading Review of Stone Forged by Peter J Merrigan

Article Book Publication Checklist: Your 12-Step Program to Self-Publishing

As an editor, I am asked all the time, “What do I do next?” After I’ve answered this loaded question, a barrage more follow. “Where do I get a cover?”  “Can you publish my book for me?” And even, “So, when will my book be published?” A new writer is often confused as to their… Continue reading Article Book Publication Checklist: Your 12-Step Program to Self-Publishing