Best Book Editors

The Escape (Sovereign City Saga Book 1) by Matthew Slater

Book Blurb

A drug deal, a betrayal, and a monumentous fall from grace. As criminal kingpin of Sovereign City, Bryan Wattson has everything: money, power, and the sense of invincibility that goes with it.

But after a botched drug deal leaves him betrayed by his former business partner, shot and left for dead, Bryan is sentenced to thirty years in prison.

After breaking out ten years later, Bryan learns the hard way exactly how enormous square one really is. With this second chance, Bryan has only one thing on his mind: getting revenge on the man who betrayed him.

Best Book Editors Review

I’ve read books from people twice this young man’s age with half of his craft and skill.

One thing I love about this book is it’s a fast ride. We don’t spend thirty-three chapters scene-building before anything happens. Bang! It’s straight into the action from page one.

 Bryan and Tony are partners, but Bryan lands a bad deal. That leads us into a prison break a decade later, and the quest for revenge that kept me on the edge of my seat from beginning to end. The narrative takes us into the underbelly of Sovereign City, where Bryan Wattson’s comfortable world is rocked in a dramatic and heart-pounding sequence of events. This book isn’t lacking in twists.


The author’s ability to breathe life into his characters is well-developed. They are beautifully drawn and stand tall. I love the flashback scenes that add a quieter depth to the action. Bryan is written in subtle and sometimes not-so-subtle, shades and tones. We know him, from his hardman exterior to his vulnerabilities and flaws laid bare. But every character stands out and is finely nuanced, drawing readers deeper into the story as they get to know the people. It’s fast, gritty and well-thought-out.

But here’s the kicker. Although it was published later, I discovered that Matthew Slater wrote most of this book when he was fifteen years old. I’ve read books by people twice his age with half of his grasp of written English and story structure. I didn’t know when I read the book, but not realising, from the writing, that it was written by somebody so young blew me away. Slater proves himself to be a master storyteller—and if he writes this well at fifteen, move over Number One on the Bestseller List, somebody’s coming to get you.

I see the next book is published, available, and ready to read. I for one, can’t wait.








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