Best Book Editors

Eternal Traveller by Helen Huber

Book Blurb

Near-crippled after a freak accident, Iona Abernathy volunteers to trial Borderland Incorporated’s revolutionary new exercise machine.

However, the equipment is more than it seems……

Trapped in an alternate reality, Iona takes refuge in a priory of the Great Wheel order, where the monks hail her as the living incarnation of a long-dead saint. Freaked out by the mediaeval living conditions of this world’s society, and missing her family, Iona must discover how Borderland tricked her. Only then will she stand any chance of returning home.

Meanwhile, local villagers keep disappearing, their unknown fate possibly connected to the deception that ensnared Iona. She has no choice except to join forces with the aggravating Zingari sword dancer, Shay Hawksmoor, who seeks to uncover the culprits behind the vanishings.

Their quest becomes a journey of self-discovery, but will they have strength enough to face the devastating truth?

Best Book Editors Review

A Book That Grabs You by the Throat in Chapter One and Doesn’t Let Go.

I’ve read this author before, and I loved her first book so came to this one eagerly.

The first chapter of this book is sublime and sets the tone and pace for the rest of the story. Our heroine embarks on a new in-home exercise regime and takes delivery of a very special cycling experience. The concept is inspired.  

The research that went into this book, and the author’s general knowledge and educated way of putting her ideas across are astounding. The writing is just beautiful.

The author has constructed an excellent story. From the first sentence, it was strong and held my interest. The characterisation is as good as any I’ve read, and the description is so colourful and tight that you want to continue reading. The imagination in this book will blow you away. Stunning writing, and an author you don’t want to miss.

I can’t recommend this book enough, it’s brilliant.


Mrs. J

Reviewed in the United Kingdom on 8 July 2024

I thought, having read Epiphany books 1 & 2, that Ms Huber wouldn’t come up with anything as enticing and memorable as those. How wrong I was! The story gripped me from the start, as Iona began her ‘exercises’ on the newly invented kind of exercise bike, which was actually a tricycle. Although fixed to the floor, it appeared it actually took her on a journey in another place – AI, perhaps? She could see scenery and people who appeared real, but they couldn’t see her. She went a bit further each day, until she reached a certain point – and someone could see her! And that someone knocked her off the bike and rode away on it, leaving her trapped in a world she apparently had to learn to live in. It was a world apparently a few centuries behind her own, but she found herself as an honoured guest and being cared for in a sort of monastery. The more she learned about the world and learned the secret of her passage out of there was in a strange tower in the palace, the more determined she became to being part of the plan to break into it and make discoveries.
The story is full of interesting characters who immediately become ‘real’ to the reader and you find yourself immersed in this ‘medieval’ world, created by Ms Huber. Iona makes friends among those around her, but of course, there is in intriguing and extremely attractive Shay, who Iona is extremely puzzled by but drawn to…
What can I say? I loved it! Didn’t want to leave it; I wanted to stay in that world with Iona, but would she choose to stay there? The end was a surprise, but fitting.



Reviewed in the United Kingdom on 2 July 2024

Whilst different from Helen’s previous two novels I still really enjoyed this novel with a twist. It’s well plotted and keeps you reading due to the believable and engaging characters.
It will be interesting to see where this authors fancy goes for their next novel.


S A Griffiths

Reviewed in the United Kingdom on 4 July 2024

Recovering from a horrific accident, Iona buys an exercise trike to aid in her physical therapy. However there is something odd about it. From the first time she rides it she is transported to a beautiful medieval world. Is it some kind of virtual reality? As she rides the trike more and more, the more she travels this awesome world. Nobody can see her until one day she encounters someone who can. Someone who forces who off the trike, steals it, and disappears leaving her in this fantastic reality that definitely is not virtual. Getting to grips with being trapped with no way to get home, a curious order of monks take her in and Iona sets about trying to get back home. But in a world of knights, dragons and sea serpents it will prove dangerous. And when Iona falls for the handsome and mysterious ranger, Shay, will she even want to go back home. There are a few startling twists in store involving the very reality of the new world she’s living in. The ending is particularly mend bending too. This is a thoroughly enjoyable read with a unique take on the fantasy genre with hints of romance and science fiction. The writing is fast paced and descriptive bringing Iona’s world to live in vivid colour. I definitely recommend this to everyone who is into fairytales, fantasy and science fiction.


About Helen Huber

Born in London to Irish parents, Helen Huber is the author of the ‘A Town Called Epiphany’ duology. Though book three is in the pipeline, the first two are a standalone duo. A bibliophile and collector of vintage action figures, Helen also dabbles in photography and computer graphics, and enjoys painting and sewing. She lives with her husband and pets in a Surrey village, and has invented stories all her life.







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